29 September 2009
thornton wilder
thanku glameccentric
God is good/ all the time
Deltoiya Monique your current drama is an indicator of the blessing around the corner -z.tims
and this was the comment left from an old high school friend:girl this is what i needed to hear, especially now. THANK GOD FOR USING YOU AS A VESSEL
my ♥ is swole! [thatsnotaword] compelled to share. was blessed "landing" on pastor zachery tims tonight on tbn and HAD to share the love. feels so good....i repeat. my heart is swole. :)
why some people think duke ellington is a member of the royal family
23 September 2009
idle hands.
:clearly this blog has taken a trn for the more personal route. hence the end of toirajames. and well something new to arise. in the works. not that i have any followers. [ok. a couple & a few unofficial. hijess!] just 102 posts. and my musings. stay tuned.
19 September 2009
when all else fails
:maybe is one of those words that looks really funny after seeing/saying it repeatedly
17 September 2009
the black snob/ on hair&men
i am not my hair. or am i? went natural a couple years back. no exact date because i dont remember. just one day i said. no more creamycrack. also love changing my hair. hence the extensions, the theatrical hairpieces [ok. lacewigs], and such. not only does the "fakehair" allow me to play with the many characters of d., also great "protective styling" if done properly. [still figuring out this natural journey] recently decided to change the look and had the opportunity to let my natural go "ahhhh". my locks say thankyou. but then shortly after reverted back to my longhairdontcare. i dont think i am my hair. but sometimes i wonder how much of a hold it has on me. is it for me? or is it for them?
:.stay tuned for the launch of a site. dont know what to name it. yes every actress uses their name. but you know me. got to be different.
14 September 2009
for colored girls.../ update
tp: "My name will not be in front of the title because it's not an original work for me. There will be no Madea, so all of you can relax. It's going to be true to what it is. If you know anything about the play, you know that it's a bunch of poems. There's no real story, and that's probably why it's never been made into a movie. The way the movie opens is that all of these different women are leading their own lives, and they pass each other and you follow their stories. No one knows each other and halfway in the movie, they end up in this center that this woman started called 'The Colored Girl center,' where women go through like a 12-step program for healing. That's what the script is about. I want to make sure that I respect and honor the play because it was written before I was born."
and his dream cast!
"There are 15 characters in the film and my dream cast is Kimberly Elise, Cicely Tyson, Ruby Dee, Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Halle Berry, Angela Bassett, Thandie Newton, Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys, and Beyonce. I've talked to 6 of the women and they have said yes. You have to figure out that part."
:it is interesting to note that last year whoopi goldberg was producing a f.c.g project on broadway starring india.arie but had to pull out when financiers backed out due to lack of knowledge on the work. couldnt put on a show with 'for colored girl" and "suicide" in the title. *blank stare
stop haaating.

*:on him. if we have to use the word. this was "hating" at its finest. real mad joe jackson. not ok.
12 September 2009
blogging with a purpose
:you may be homeless, but you dont have to be a bum*-brianna karp
11 September 2009
tyler perry/ for colored girls...
*edited because truly no comment until further notice. the news is out. this is a share. judge, criticize, support. do as you must. im mum. [see links within for more & the debate. i.e. the comment sections on said sites.]
:all in all i like what what commenter posted on ajc, "you have to spread your wings in order to fly."
never give up on your silly little dreams
"hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly."
- langston hughes
some men see things as they are and say why... i dream of things that never were and say why not"
- george bernard shaw
you must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment”
- henry david thoreau
" you have brains in your head. you have feet in your shoes. you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. you're on your own. and you know what you know. you are they guy who'll decide where to go."
2am. and now i dream...
september to.do
- henry david thoreau
1. move for better opportunities and FOCUS
1a. break the bf heart in the process. ☑
2. register for classes. become a student again
3. find photographer/update headshots
3a. update m.m.
4. audition for at least one show
5. build monologue repertoire
6. read a play a week. starting with anthologies
7. watch a movie daily. beginning with gregory allen howard's list
8. spend time online with [craft] studies/research NOT lollygagging
9. submit for "falls" casting [in the am. dont put this off]
10. change hair.
12. update social media
12a. join twitter [ugh]
13. find out about BB3.
14. see a show in south florida
15. get immersed in the south florida theatre scene
16. start a workout regime. run. gym. etc.
17. treat myself to something [swarovski] when list is complete. preferably a big fat ring.
the code
Foreword to the Code
“A part of the great tradition of the theatre is the code of ethics which belong to every worker in the theatre. This code is not a superstition, nor a dogma, nor a ritual which is enforced by tribunals; it is an attitude toward your vocation, your fellow workers, your audiences and yourself. It is a kind of self-discipline which does not rob you of your invaluable individualism.
“Those of you who have been in show business know the full connotation of these precepts. Those of you who are new to show business will soon learn. The Circle Players, since its founding in 1945, has always striven to stand for the finest in theatre, and it will continue to do so. Therefore, it is with the sincere purpose of continued dedication to the great traditions of the theatre that these items are here presented.”
The “rules” follow:
1. I shall never miss a performance.2. I shall play every performance with energy, enthusiasm and to the best of my ability regardless of size of audience, personal illness, bad weather, accident, or even death in my family.
3. I shall forego all social activities which interfere with rehearsals or any other scheduled work at the theatre, and I shall always be on time.
4. I shall never make a curtain late by my failure to be ready on time.
5. I shall never miss an entrance.
6. I shall never leave the theatre building or the stage area until I have completed my performance, unless I am specifically excused by the stage manager; curtain calls are a part of the show.
7. I shall not let the comments of friends, relatives or critics change any phase of my work without proper consultation; I shall not change lines, business, lights, properties, settings or costumes or any phase of the production without consultation with and permission of my director or producer or their agents, and I shall inform all people concerned.
8. I shall forego the gratification of my ego for the demands of the play.
9. I shall remember my business is to create illusion; therefore, I shall not break the illusion by appearing in costume and makeup off-stage or outside the theatre.
10. I shall accept my director’s and producer’s advice and counsel in the spirit in which it is given, for they can see the production as a whole and my work from the front.
11. I shall never “put on an act” while viewing other artists’ work as a member of an audience, nor shall I make caustic criticism from jealousy or for the sake of being smart.
12. I shall respect the play and the playwright and, remembering that “a work of art is not a work of art until it is finished,” I shall not condemn a play while it is in rehearsal.
13. I shall not spread rumor or gossip which is malicious and tends to reflect discredit on my show, the theatre, or any personnel connected with them-either to people inside or outside the group.
14. Since I respect the theatre in which I work, I shall do my best to keep it looking clean, orderly and attractive regardless of whether I am specifically assigned to such work or not.
15. I shall handle stage properties and costumes with care for I know they are part of the tools of my trade and are a vital part of the physical production.
16. I shall follow rules of courtesy, deportment and common decency applicable in all walks of life (and especially in a business in close contact with the public) when I am in the theatre, and I shall observe the rules and regulations of any specific theatre where I work.
17. I shall never lose my enthusiasm for theatre because of disappointments. !
:a code of ethics for theatre workers established in 1945 by kathleen freeman who at just 24 years old opened one of the first small theatres in la. talk about inspirational.
via blogstage. via lastage
09 September 2009
birthday shoe.
-might even polyvore for the first time. thats how much.
guess who?
for ny times style. via ccw.
08 September 2009
bape/ kid cudi
so bathing ape and kid cudi [who is currently featured on my desktop layout] came together and produced this kid cudi x milo tee for fashion night out. and well right now. im all for supportin the kid. now only if i can get to bape new york by sept 10 to get my tee...and find the perfect pair of sneaks.
07 September 2009
:there goes that lump again...
picsource.doworkdesign via parisrecycled
06 September 2009
last twenty-four
and while i
hoped the pain to be
it feels so much worse
and while i
thought id know
to do
make it better
i dont
i cant
doesnt quite cut