dear aubrey,
that video was still t'n'a overload. even if i can appreciate the female mystique. it made no sense and you know it. even if we sort of did get the concept. buuuut you're still gold star in my book [if my alrm goes off one more time...] sry. so far gone was and is nothing sort of genius. that and comeback season have been on infinite repeat since the stars aligned. your whole rise via the net should be a class in social media 101. dude! and i like to think my [former] obsession with bringing up your name in conversation with anyone who would listen is partly the reason you are so effin hot right now. you're welcome. i cannot tell a lie though. after the video and "bet incident" [not the sitting down. that was ok] you had me wrried. to say the least. was forced to cease my namedrops, banned best i ever had from coming within a 50 yrd radius [radio overdid it] and couldnt bear to type octobersveryown. it wasnt that your fans doubted you/left you/hated everyone else knowing our little secret. we just didnt want to lose drizzy drake. the innovative drke. you make them all have to do better. after some clear thinking. and serious -discussion.* i welcome you back. with open arms. not that we went anywhere really. trust. still the only that doesnt require skipping tracks. but had to let you breathe a little. see what this newfounded-ness would do for octobers very own. and to no surprise you didnt disappoint. we're back.
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